Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Turnerbots :: Handmade Holiday Vendor Feature

Business Name: Turnerbots
Owner:  Sarah Turner

What is the best handmade gift you've received?
My mentor and undergrad professor got me this awesome cup by one of my favorite potters that lives across the pond. His name is Walter Keeler and I fell in love with his work during a study abroad trip in college.  My professor had a friend of his find the cup for me while she was traveling in the UK. It's by far the most elaborate effort to purchase a gift for me and, additionally, it's a really awesome cup.

What is your newest crafty creation? Is there specific item you'd like to feature for the show? 
I've been wanting to make cups for a long time, but hadn't had a chance to get to it.  Well, the wait is over and I have a handful of new cups for this year's sale.  They feature drawing of lots of quirky bots affectionately gazing at one another or daydreaming about dinosaurs, kitties, and other lovely things of the sort.

What are your influences?
Full-bellied, cross-eyed drawings of creatures and the creatures themselves.  I also love fabric patterns and am starting to bring some of my favorites into my work.

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