So, the Germans have a word for everything. Like farfegnugen. And schadenfreude. And other various things that sound like you have something stuck in your larynx. I think if there was a German word for "more stuff for babies and kids than you can shake a stick at" it would sound something like
Spring Bada-Bing. For real. Check it out:

April Scott: bright and fun dresses, sizes newborn - 3T.
Boogie Babee: adorable bibs and (my favorite) plush owls! -->

<--Ah, we meet again,
Cleo Dee: Did I happen to mention she also does squid onesies? ;)
Shannon by Hand: onesies, bib sets and other cute baby accessories. -->

<-- Check out
Sweet Pepita for unique upcycled children's clothes, made from vintage and recycled fabric and tees! It's green
and hip!

And don't forget our very own
Monkey and Me, who has just the cutest clothes for your little monkey. She's the mommy of a 4 year old, so she makes clothes that are not only cute but also can survive being worn by active tots! -->

<--And last, but not least, because she is the ultimate sewing goddess and rock-star mommy,
Modern June, who has a line of "Mommy and Me" aprons as well as bibs, art smocks and the ever-indispensable "splat mat"!
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