Saturday, September 08, 2007

A Day in the Life.

Last weekend Kate and I had a booth at the Irvington Farmer's Market, which is on the Northern Neck of Virginia. This is a fairly rural area but it's on the river and a lot of people vacation there. The shopping is slim, so when the market rolls around every month it's usually a nice and eager crowd. I (finally) remembered to bring a camera to document the day:

5:00am: wake up, glance at the clock, moan like a wounded kitten.
5:15am: get the hell up, shower, dress, continue to moan.
6:00am: drive to pick up Kate who overslept and has that sleepy-panic thing going on.
6:15am: load up the tent into my already packed car.
6:30am: hit the road for the 75 mile trip. Luckily we're pretty much the only car on the road.
7:15am: drive past the paper mill in West Point and wonder who farted. (Won't you take me to...Stinky town?)
7:45am: arrive at the commons where the show is held.
9:00am-1pm: Show time. Sell, chat, run over to the farmer's booth to buy produce, chat, sell, pet cute dogs.
1:15pm-1:45pm: break down, pack of the car, think happy thoughts about lunch.
2:00pm: stop for dubious lunch at a roadside joint. Eat fast and hit the road.
3:30pm: arrive home, collapse.

It was a pretty day:

Irvington crowd

Our booth:

Irvington booth

This was our view from the booth. Can you see the dog wearing a birthday hat?

Irvington booth view

Never enough signage:


Dubious lunch of champions:
lunch of champions

This sign on the drive home always cracks me up:

Kenny B Used Furniture

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