I have been through about 50 different displays for earrings, and I generally don't like any of them. Most recent was the Case Of Doom, a big acrylic spinny case, which works well for some things but kind of sucks because a) no one can figure out how to turn it and b) someone has to go in and get stuff out. Not convenient for group shows.
And so I present to you, my latest display, which is by far my favorite:

Also it was amazingly easy to make. Really, it took all of two steps, which I will share with you.
- A big box. Lucky me, Michaels had some cute vintage-wanna be trunks on sale for half price. If you're not as lucky, the local thrift store might have something to fit your needs.
- Ribbon that matches the big box. I got a wee little spool from Michaels that was just long enough for $0.99
- Glue Gun. Don't leave home without it
- Screwdriver

First things first. The box I got from Michaels had a little brace on it to keep it open when you set it down, and also prevented it from opening more than 90 degrees. Using the screwdriver, I removed the two screws holding the brace so I can open it up enough to see inside properly.

Then cut the ribbon in lengths that are *just* long enough to fit across the box. You don't want them to be slack at all. Decide how far apart you want your rows, and cut enough ribbon for them.
Use your hot glue gun to secure the ribbon to the box. Start by gluing down all of one side on one half of the box, to get your spacing right. Then go back to the first one you did, and pull it really tight, then glue in place.

Voila! An earring display.

Hang your earrings on it by the hooks, not the earring card. Just slip the back of the hooks over the ribbon. It's a little hard to see, but I took a picture with the ribbon twisted a little so you can see what I mean.

It works best with earring cards that don't have a lot of top weight, otherwise the cards tend to fall forward on the display and look silly. I haven't thought of a way to attach post earrings to it (except for peircing the ribbon), but feel free to share any ideas!
And remember, if you like earring displays, you'll LOVE Spring Bada-Bing! Come out on April 22 to see all the crazy inventive displays folks come up with!
love this! What could I use to make a mini version of this? I'll file this in back of my mind and one day I will see something that will work!
you are so damn crafty! I need to figure out how I can do something like that for my next show.
I will probably be copying you on this brilliant idea!! I love it! My cards that my earrings are on are actually on a fold so they can stand up alone, so you could attach any type of earring to the card and then just hang the actual card over the ribbon!!
very cool idea! you did a great job! keep up the work...
Hey what a great idea....I think I'll copy the general idea (if you don't mind!) and instead of using ribbon, I'm thinking I'll just bead some wire lengths and string across for an added decorative touch. Hmmm...how would I attach to each side? Perhaps jewelry clasps? Lobster clasps? I'll work on that!
Thank you for sharing your creative idea. I may try it out one day for my earrings. Blessings, prosperity and creativity always!...Wrennenet
Thank you so much for this idea. Your creativity has added value in my life. Thank you.
what is the bada bing you mentioned in the spring???
Great display! Thanks for sharing the tutorial.
I use huge (from staples) rubber bands and put them around my propanels-its the first earring display that works for me--i use those faux boxes for transporting my carded earrings around!!
Great idea! I, too, have tried many different ways to display earrings. None have worked well. I'm going to have your display a try. Thanks!
If you do take this idea and run with it (it's a good one!)- in order for it to be truly green - don't go BUY a suitcase at Michaels - thats the whole fun of recycling - is using stuff that was otherwise headed for the landfill - get one for free off the side of the road - or super cheap at a yard sale
You could hang a strip of loose-weave ribbon for the posts. My favorite hanger is plastic screening stapled to an empty decorative frame. Both earwires and posts will go through it. It can hang on the wall as an artpiece or be stood in a stand for display.
I found a solution that was perfect for my beach glass jewelry. I stapled burlap to the back of a picture frame. (If you're not keen on burlap could use any open weave fabric that works with your style.) Behind that but with a little gap, I put foam core. This allowed me to hang earrings directly from the burlap, but hang necklaces and bracelets on pushpins decorated with beach glass. It worked great. Crisis averted. Now on to the next one.
AWESOME idea! Thank you for sharing! About post earrings, I found a really great way to display them and make them travel friendly! Poke holes in an old CD and put them all in there. I did it with all of my earrings (personal and the ones that I hand make!) and I LOVE it! I always hated trying to find them all clumped together in my jewelry box drawer. Now they're hanging on a shelf cup hook above my desk area and I can see them every day! Hope this helps you with your earring post idea?
♥ Elizabeth ♥
Very clever and effective!! It is a brilliant way to display earrings of different sizes and styles. Since I make refashioned jewelry out of old costume jewelry, I never know what sizes will be finished!
Thanks much.
I've been looking for a reason to buy a vintage suitcase! This may be it...Thanks!
Oh question! Do you have problems with the jewelry falling off the ribbons inside the trunk?
I need something for this weekend, this is a perfect idea. It's the perfect size too. I might get some cigar boxes for a smaller size and to keep the vintage style.
Genius! I'll be giving this a go tomorrow, no doubt...
You can copy this idea but use old vintage frames too. Love it. You must check out www.designjewelry.com
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