Thursday, December 06, 2012

Holland Cox :: Handmade Holiday Vendor Feature

Business Name: Holland Cox
Owner: Valerie Williams

What is the best handmade gift you've received? 
hand knit shawl in gorgeous laceweight handspun yarn - a really pretty pale pink color!

What is your newest crafty creation?  Is there specific item you'd like
to feature for the show? 

My newest handbag is the hobo style, I'll be bringing a bunch of brand new ones to Richmond for sure, and my newest accessory is a cotton necktie for guys, which is really fun to make! I'll have lots of those as well.

Is there a story behind your shop name? 
 Holland Cox is my great-great-grandmother's name on my father's side. I love the way her name sounds, plus she was a sewer, and taught her daughter-in-law (my dad's grandmother) how to sew and helped her set up a sewing circle in their itty bitty North Carolina town (Winterville). I have some of the quilts they made!

Describe your studio
A mess! No really my studio is my dining room, and it is piled high with boxes full of fabric and notions, and the walls are covered with hooks with my patterns on it, and cork boards with fabric samples, vintage clothing patterns, postcards from the McQueen exhibit at he Met, and all kinds of other craziness. It's a madhouse.

What is your favorite thing about the Holidays? 
The holiday playlist on my iPod full of swing and big band music! So much fun to sing along to while I'm sewing!

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