What is your favorite thing about spring?
My studio is just one block away from the local farmers market. I love being able to see the market gearing up in spring and all the fresh flowers and vegetables starting to appear. I've recently started taking a hard look at the food I'm eating and it's great to know that so much local or organically grown produce is just a block away from where I work.
What's your newest crafty creation? Is there specific item you'd like to feature for the show?
I have been experimenting with incorporating printmaking techniques into the surfaces of my pottery. Monoprinting has really been catching my eye, as well as a form of "etching" the surface and leaving behind a dark stain to bring the details out.
I set up my "official" shop name for business reasons right after I got married and changed my last name. I then realized not much goes with a name like Sperlazza. My husband suggested Sperlazzasaurus to sound like a dinosaur; I still use this as part of my domain name, but I haven't tried to incorporate a dinosaur theme into my branding.
What's your soundtrack while you're working?
I'm really blessed to be the Artist in Residence at LibertyTown Arts Workshop in Fredericksburg Virginia, but along with the MANY wonderful perks of being up front where all the action is comes the fact that your studio is surrounded by many other sounds out of your control. My studio "neighbor" listens to classic radio shows while he's working so currently my current soundtrack is 50's Dragnet radio episodes along with the great hustle and bustle a working gallery and studio.
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