Saturday, September 07, 2013

Sometimes, you tell it a little *too* straight

Apparently, in our last blog post about our call for new members, we scared a lot of you guys off with our warnings against being over-committed. Life is busy and full, and rarely do we all get the chance to say “phew, life is slowing down.”

We also know that busy people get things done! There *are* a lot of things to do, but that’s why we need more people to help share the load. If you can make phone calls, write blog posts, attend meetings, and maybe even code a little website action or stay on top of a spreadsheet, then please re-consider!

All of us in the craft mafia have busy family lives, busy businesses, and we even try to relax once in awhile. If you did not apply because you were afraid of the time commitment, we’d be happy to chat with you about the realities of being an RCM member. Hit one of us up for details, or come hang out with us at the next Crafty Drink Night, which will be announced early next week.

Stay crafty!

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