Right now, all across Richmond, the ladies of the Richmond Craft Mafia are putting the finishing touches on their displays and wrapping up their SBB committee work (We stayed up until 10:30 last night stuffing Swag Bags and now I just finished making lunch labels and printing out load-in maps, fun! We also get to be up at the crack o' dawn tomorrow to get the venue ready!)
So, in this stressful time right before our big show, I want to share the vendors in
tomorrow's show that really make me smile and realize that all this hard work is SO totally worth it!
Yes, happy cute amazing vendors, when I wake up at 5:30am on Sunday, I will think of you guys as I look at the clock & try not to cry.
A. Bel Studio and her sweet little fuzzy sweater creatures! How can you not smile?
Bowerbox press has some really fun and delightfully silly prints (I own one!).

I have a serious felt addiction and I plan on feeding my habit by purchasing a delightful, bright and very cheery felt brooch from
The Littlest Bean.

Oooh, I make mindless baby-talk squealy sounds every time I look at a picture of
oelle m's hamster nuggets!

And I am so unbelievably pleased to welcome
skullknockers to Richmond! Because everyone needs a naugahyde monkey.
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